Casing and Well Design


Course Description

The first design task in preparing the well plan is selecting the depth to which the casing will be run. In this course, drilling engineer will learn how he can consider geological Conditions as formation pressures and fracture gradients for casing setting depth selection. In addition, in this course will discuss the procedures, formulas, and rule of thumb for developing a detailed casing program.

Course Goal

To enhance participants’ knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to have a thorough understanding of a comprehensive approach to casing design and practice, cementing methods and operations.

Course Objectives

By the end of this course, participant will be able to:

  • Consider geological Conditions as formation pressures and fracture gradients for casing setting depth selection.
  • Apply procedures, formulas, and rule of thumb for developing a detailed casing program.

Who Can Benefit

  • Drilling engineers.
  • Drilling supervisors.
  • Senior engineers and team leaders in drilling engineering / operations.
Start Date End Date
07-Jul-2025 11-Jul-2025

Start Date End Date
05-Oct-2025 09-Oct-2025

Start Date End Date
05-Jan-2026 09-Jan-2026

Start Date End Date
06-Apr-2025 10-Apr-2025

English - Course Details
DRL010 - Casing and Well Design