Reservoir Engineering Courses
RSE001 - Basics of Reservoir Engineering
RSE002 - Reserves Estimation
RSE003 - Reservoir Engineering Appraisal and Development
RSE004 - Well Test Design and Analysis
RSE005 - Waterflooding
RSE006 - Routine and Special Core Analysis
RSE007 - Miscible Gas Injection
RSE009 - Well Log Interpretation
RSE011 - Advanced Oil Reservoir Engineering
RSE015 - Reservoir Characterization
RSE017 - Methods of Oil Production from Water Flooded Reservoirs
RSE018 - Reservoir Fluid Properties
RSE019 - Reservoir Simulation & Forecasting
RSE020 - Water Quality Parameters for Reservoir Management
RSE021 - Reservoir Souring and Water Breakthrough
RSE022 - Integrated Reservoir Modeling
RSE023 - Advance Dynamic Simulation & History Matching
RSE024 - Applied Reservoir Engineering
RSE025 - Capillarity in Rocks
RSE026 - Characterization, Evaluation and Enhanced Oil Recovery in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs
RSE027 - Chemical Flooding
RSE028 - DCA & Diagnostic Methods for Performance Forecasting
RSE029 - Enhanced Oil Recovery Fundamentals
RSE030 - Fundamentals of Field Development Planning
RSE031 - Gas Field Reservoir Management
RSE032 - Horizontal and Multilateral Wells - Analysis & Design
RSE033 - New Opportunities in Old Fields
RSE034 - Reservoir Engineering for Other Disciplines
RSE035 - Reservoir Management
RSE036 - Thermal Oil Recovery (EOR)
RSE037 - Unconventional Reservoirs
RSE038 - Simulation of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs
RSE039 - Reservoir Modeling of Heavy Oil Resources
RSE040 - Rate Transient Analysis & Diagnostic Methods for Performance Forecasting
RSE041 - Nodal Analysis
RSE042 - Integrated Reservoir Analysis (IRA)
RSE043 - Machine Learning & Data Analytics for Subsurface Implementation