Introduction to Shipping


Course Description

The shipping industry is responsible for transporting 90% of the world’s trade. The safety record of shipping is the envy of shore-based transport sectors and is by far the most environmentally friendly form of transport. The shipping industry is a truly global community. It is intrinsically international; indeed, it was the very first global industry. Because of the international nature of shipping, United Nations agencies and the International Maritime Organization (which is based in London) regulate it in particular. Modern shipping involves companies from every nation on the planet and virtually every nationality is represented in the seafaring population and the industry’s shore-based workforce. 
This course will cover the essential elements of vessels, cargo and shipping. Subjects addressed include trade routes, the fundamentals of shipping and ship types, the port environment, navigation, onboard ship organisation and manning, chartering, broking, classification and insurance, international maritime conventions, finance, bunkering, and essential information on key technical, operational, legal and commercial issues.

Course Goal

To enhance the participants’ knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to understand the essentials of business practice and the elements of shipping business.

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the principles and components of international trade in the shipping industry.
  • Identify different types of ships and their roles in the shipping sector.
  • Comprehend the essential elements and functions of contracts of carriage in shipping.
  • Gain knowledge of the legal aspects and regulations governing the shipping industry.
  • Familiarize with ship registration and classification processes.
  • Recognize the various stakeholders and practitioners involved in the shipping business.
  • Acquire a basic understanding of freight forwarding and its role in shipping.

Who Can Benefit

New entrants to the maritime sector as well as non-specialists.

Start Date End Date
26-Oct-2025 30-Oct-2025

Start Date End Date
28-Jul-2025 01-Aug-2025

Start Date End Date
26-Jan-2026 30-Jan-2026

Start Date End Date
27-Apr-2025 01-May-2025

English - Course Details
MAM001 - Introduction to Shipping