Lean Manufacturing in the Oilfield Services Industry


Course Description

From 1990 to today, the concepts of lean manufacturing have continued to develop.  Specifically, lean manufacturing principles are those that seek to minimize waste during the manufacturing process. More broadly, lean manufacturing now encompasses any technique or process that enables a process to run more efficiently. Lean manufacturing is not a specific set of steps to take or rules to follow.  Instead, lean manufacturing provides a framework — your company can develop and customize your own production systems in order to minimize the seven sources of waste. 
The Oil and Gas Industry is ever changing. Now recognizing the competitive advantage that Lean thinking can bring to the entire industry as a whole, sub-sections within Oil and Gas are utilizing specific areas of Lean, each benefiting from the theories and tools that Lean provides. 
This course covers the lean production tools and techniques in the oil and gas industry with a focus on the oilfield services industry. Benefits of application of LEAN Manufacturing in Oil Sector include organized workplace, highest levels of safety, improved work standards, reduced spares costs, improved overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), mean time between failures (MTBF) and mean time to repair (MTTR), in addition to reduced procurement time The course reviews the importance of leadership and communication; developing and empowering employees; teamwork; safety; standardization; PDCA; Kaizen; idea systems; training; and more!

Course Goal

To enhance the participants’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to develop and maintain a lean culture and use lean production tools and techniques in the oil and gas industry with a focus on the oilfield services industry.

Course Objectives

By the end of this course, participant will be able to:

  • Define the concept of lean.
  • Describe culture in the workplace.
  • List the pros and cons of developing a lean culture.
  • Distinguish between the cultural enablers of leadership and communication.
  • Distinguish between the cultural enablers of human development, teamwork, and empowerment.
  • Describe the cultural enabler of safety.
  • Describe the lean concept of adding value.
  • Describe benchmarking in the context of lean.
  • Describe the lean concept of standardization.
  • Describe how to implement kaizen with plan-do-check-act.
  • Describe the lean tool of idea systems.
  • Describe the required training for transitioning to lean.
  • Describe coaching and mentoring in the context of lean.
  • Describe how to reinforce lean practices.
  • Understand the basics of lean tools.
  • Understand the Kaizen process.
  • Understand Takt time.
  • Go to the next phase in a lean transformation.
  • Describe how lean requires a focus on results.
  • Describe the importance of recognizing waste in order to eliminate it.
  • Describe how lean enterprises organize around flow.
  • Understand the role of lean production tools in oilfield services industry.

Who Can Benefit

All Oilfield Employees.

Start Date End Date
07-Sep-2025 11-Sep-2025

Start Date End Date
08-Dec-2025 12-Dec-2025

Start Date End Date
09-Mar-2025 13-Mar-2025

Start Date End Date
09-Jun-2025 13-Jun-2025