Managing Dynamic Work Environments


Course Description

Imagine you went to sleep and woke up to a work day in 1960. How different is your work life today, compared to what it was 40 years ago? Clearly, there would not be a Starbucks on every corner or a cell phone in every pocket—but what else has changed and why?

In today’s world, the structure, content, and process of work have changed. Work is now more cognitively complex, more team-based and collaborative, more dependent on social skills, more dependent on technological competence, more dependent on technological competence, more time pressured, and more mobile and less dependent on geography.

In today’s world, you will also be working for an organization that is likely to be very different due to competitive pressures and technological breakthroughs. Organizations today are leaner and more agile, more focused on identifying value from the customer perspective, more tuned to dynamic competitive requirements and strategy, and less hierarchical in structure and decision authority.

This course covers the changing nature of organizations and work, the drivers behind the changes, and the consequences for workers and the workplace.

Course Goal

To enhance the participants’ knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to adapt themselves and learn how to manage the changing nature of organizations and work, the drivers behind the changes, and the consequences for workers and the workplace. 

Course Objectives

By the end of this course, participant will be able to:

  • Understand the key drivers for changing nature of work.
  • Understand how work is changing for individuals and groups.
  • Change the situations and actions that can be changed.
  • Deal better with situations and actions that can’t be changed.
  • How their attitudes and actions impact others.
  • Adapt to varied roles, jobs responsibilities, schedules and context.
  • Work effectively in a climate of ambiguity and changing priorities.
  • Understand the new psychological contract.
  • Determine the drivers of the Changing Workplace.
  • Suggest solutions for the Changing Workplace.
  • Understand how dynamic work environment is created.
  • Put workplace strategy.
  • Deal with the seven myths of workplace strategy.
  • Implement workplace solutions.

Who Can Benefit

  • Human recourses, and those taking on new management challenges.
  • Officers and managers.
Start Date End Date
19-Oct-2025 23-Oct-2025

Start Date End Date
19-Jan-2026 23-Jan-2026

Start Date End Date
20-Apr-2025 24-Apr-2025

Kuala Lumpur
Start Date End Date
21-Jul-2025 25-Jul-2025