Material Selection and Properties


Course Description

Material selection involves a complex interaction between component function, material, process, component shape and costs. Those who select materials should at least have a broad and basic understanding of properties of materials and their processing characteristics. The function of the component must be clearly defined in order that the required mechanical properties may be identified. An ideal list of requirements may be easy to arrive at, but a material and process to satisfy all of these requirements is unlikely to exist and an appropriate compromise must be found. It is, therefore, important to distinguish essential properties from desirable properties, those that can be compromised in order to achieve the essential properties. Material properties are often quoted independent of shape but in some circumstances geometry can influence the response of a component with respect to stiffness and strength, to a considerable degree. This course covers the basics of material selection based on their properties and processing characteristics.

Course Goal

To enhance the participants’ knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to distinguish essential properties from desirable properties, those that can be compromised in order to achieve the essential properties.

Course Objectives

By the end of this course, participant will be able to:

  • Understand the properties and applications of materials for the oil and gas industries. 
  • Be knowledgeable of corrosion issues and the various types of corrosion.
  • Select materials for specific applications. 
  • Explain the mechanisms behind corrosion resistant materials.
  • Have a good appreciation of material selection as a method of corrosion control.
  • Be knowledgeable of protective coating for corrosion control.
  • Evaluate the performance of corrosion inhibitors.

Who Can Benefit

Mechanical & Inspection Engineers

Start Date End Date
14-Jul-2025 18-Jul-2025

Start Date End Date
12-Oct-2025 16-Oct-2025

Start Date End Date
12-Jan-2026 16-Jan-2026

Start Date End Date
13-Apr-2025 17-Apr-2025