Rig Inspection, Rig Sizing and Selection


Course Description

This course is intended to develop skills to conduct Inspection and Acceptance Tests on drilling and work over rigs based on API, ANSI, ISO and IADC standards through the application of check lists and procedures to verify the working conditions and readiness of major rig systems and equipment. The course starts with a detailed description and specification of main rig systems and equipment used for drilling and work over operations and continues with the discussion of specific procedures and check lists implemented for conducting rig equipment inspection. Finalizing with a methodology used for rig sizing and selection.

Course Objectives

By the end of this course, participant will be able to:

  • Independently carry out a basic (visual) rig inspection
  • Describe the main inspection criteria for major equipment
  • Identify major items that have an impact on the safety and operation of a rig
  • Recognize the indicators of the overall condition of a drilling rig
  • List the relevant standards (such as API) and their implications for drilling equipment
  • Understand the basics of EX equipment installed in hazardous areas
  • Evaluate basic maintenance and inspection procedures on the rig to identify compliance with good working practices and industry standard

Who Can Benefit

  • Drilling Engineers, Drilling Supervisors, Drilling Team Leaders, Rig Managers, Tool Pushers
  • Drillers, Service Companies Specialists, Management personnel who will benefit from learning about the practical aspects of rig inspection, Sizing and Selection procedures.
Start Date End Date
31-Aug-2025 04-Sep-2025

Start Date End Date
01-Dec-2025 05-Dec-2025

Start Date End Date
02-Mar-2025 06-Mar-2025

Start Date End Date
02-Jun-2025 06-Jun-2025